Tour Richelieu, day and night beacon
Latitude: 46° 8.9’ N
Longitude: 1° 10.3’ W
Navigable channel dredged: 0.8m above MLWS
Minimes port – 17026 La Rochelle Cedex 1
Tel: 00 33 (0) 5 46 44 41 20 (Press#3)
V.H.F. channel 9 – Call sign “Les Minimes” – 24h/7.
Quai Marillac – 17000 La Rochelle
Tél : 00 33 (0)5 46 44 41 20 (Press#1)
Ship handling from 8h00 to 12h00, and 14h00 to 18h. Mondays to Saturdays yearlong*.
Office closed on saturdays.
*November/December/January will close at 17h00.
Ship handling’s bookings are to be arranged exclusively at the office, or by telephone.
Bicycle: 2 hours for free, then 6€/Hour/Bike.
Trailers: Available at Harbour master’s office upon request.
Weather Forecoast exposed at 8:30am in all Facilities’s building entrances.
Interactive station at the Harbour master’s office
(WC – showers) 24/7 – Card requested for acces will be freely issued to our custommers at the Harbour master’s office.
Facilities builduings at “Lazaret”, “Bout blanc (X2), “Marillac”, and at the Harbour master’s office.
Bus: ticket for 10 trips at the harbourmaster’s office – €12