FAQ – Yachtsman

  • How do I register on the waiting list?
    The registration for the waiting list is made by completing the planned form (available at the Harbor Master’s office or at www.portlarochelle.com download, to the right on the homepage). Once the form filled up, hand it to the Harbor Master’s office or by e-mail. A copy of the demand with a registration date will be given to you, and you will shortly receive a registration’s confirmation letter.


  • How does the waiting list work?
    Upon registration, the application form is dated. You will be issued with a copy of the application, indicating the registration’s date. Application forms are classified according to this date and the length of the vessel.
    Reminder: the length taken into account is the overall length, from the protrusion of the bow davit to the salient of the transom, including fixed apparatuses (such as dolphinière, butt-end, bathing beach).


  • Do I have to have a boat to register?
    No, you just have to specify the approximate length of the future boat so that the application can be classified in the right category. There are 9 categories: <5m, 5 to 6m, 6 to 7m, 7 to 8m, 8 to 9m, 9 to 10m, 10 to 11m, 11 to 12m, 12 to 13m and > 13m.


  • Is the registration permanent?
    No, registration must be renewed every year. To ease the procedure, the port services will send you, at the beginning of the year, a confirmation letter of registration to be returned within the deadline, accompanied by a payment of 15 € Fee. If no response is received, the application will be canceled. 3 months of stopover at the port of La Rochelle in the year exempts you from the 15 € Fee the following year.


  • Can I re-register after a cancellation?
    Yes, but this is a new application. The cancellation is always definitive, the position which stemmed from it in the list is thus definitively lost. The date of registration will be that of the new application.


  • What if I change my boat whilst being on the waiting list?
    The measurements of the new vessel are recorded and the application is updated to the corresponding category.
    The change in category may lead to a significant variation in your ranking, but the time waited is preserved.


  • Is the list searchable?
    Yes, by registering at the Harbor master’s Office, a registrant may at any time follow its ranking. Given the personal information it contains, the waiting list is not displayed in accordance with the obligations of the N.I.L. Concerning computer files (confidentiality of data).
    The waiting list is regularly checked by the Regional Chamber of Accounts.


  • How are places allocated?
    The allocations follows the order of registration date on the waiting list. The first vessel whose measurements are compatible with the released location (the width of the boat, in particular, justifies this method of allocation) receives a proposal.
    If, on the form, the applicant specifies a date from which he wishes to be offered a location, no proposal will be made before that date.
    The incoming vessel must correspond to the characteristics indicated on the application form and on the proposed place.


  • What happens if a space proposal is refused?
    – If the applicant wishes to remain on the waiting list, he / she must indicate it in writing when the first proposal is rejected. Application will then be retained on to the initial date and he will have to specify from when he wishes to be offered a second place. He will not be contacted before that date.
    – If the applicant does not respond within the deadlines, application will be definitively canceled. You will then have to fill up a new application form from scratch.


  • What are the obligations of the applicant?
    The applicant must imperatively notify the Harbor Master in writing for any change of address or boat, under penalty of not seeing the request succeed.
    The port services will not search for undeliverred mail due to a wrong address. The application will be canceled.
    The applicant who will be offered a location for the registered boat will not be able to claim a change of boat at the time of the proposal. He will then take the rank in the list corresponding to his new boat and the contract proposal will be canceled.